Thursday, 9 February 2012

Because maybe we should all be a little bit more like Caitlin Moran

I've always been against feminism. I know it's a stupid comment but I was. Me and my friend always used to joke about feminists "ruining it for everyone." We were quite happy to wait around for a (rich) man to take us away from our university hellhole we affectional called Azkaban. So when my bloke bought me Caitlin Moran’s book How To Be A Women part of me thought “Is he talking the mick?” Obviously the other half was quite happy as I had mentioned I wanted it so he must heave listened to something. I picked it up in Waterstone’s, I thought it looked funny and I like her hair and boots.

caitlin moran 2

On closer expectation though I see on the back it was classed as ‘Humour’ (brilliant) and ‘Feminism' (oh dear). The word feminism did put me off slightly, I’ll admit. We all know what we think when someone says feminist; bad hair, crap clothes, men-hating, bra burning, spinsters. So when I got to the chapter ‘I Am A Feminist.” I wanted to read it quickly and move on. She talks about Germaine Greer (who I have to say, kind of annoys me when I see her on television) but the bit that nearly made me give up is when she says stand on a chair and shout “I AM A FEMINIST!” I wasn’t buying it.

However after finishing the chapter, and the book and I have to admit; she makes a really good point. Feminism isn’t about hating men or crap clothes; it’s about equal rights for women. Whether it be for equal pay or the right to vote; if you’re not a feminist then, really, you don’t want any of those things. Feminism means liberation for women. She wants to take back the world feminism and make it into a good thing, not an insult.

She says feminism gets blamed in part on a lot of things but it’s just that things like abortion, binge drinking, eating disorders are things that involve women. Another great point she makes is that bitching is not being anti-feminist; you won't get on with every female in the world. Some probably deserve the bitching. The world will not crumble because someone said something about so and so in the office. I think the one thing though everyone could live by is to BE POLITE. This is the only thing in the world I believe no one has any right not to be. Yes we all have bad days but you really shouldn’t take it out on everyone else. To quote her,

“What is feminism? Simply the belief that women should be as free as men, however nuts, dim, deluded, badly dressed, fat, receding, lazy and smug they might be.
Are you a feminist? Hahaha. Of course you are.”

Feminism isn’t about changing women but changing how the world treats women. It’s about treating us all equally.

It’s kind of amazing when you think about it. Nicola on Celebrity Big Brother said she was a secret feminist. Why is it a secret? As Caitlin points out, feminism will take them; the dumb, bitchy ex-page 3 model. She’s not secretive about being a Page 3 model but being a feminist?? Oh NO! I’m not admitting to THAT! You don’t have to be friends with every female on the planet. But maybe we could work together to make things ever so slightly fairly, no?

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