Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The X Factor Blog: X Factor Does (Very Little for) Halloween

It was pretty dull affair this week after the enjoyable Club Classics show. No Lucy Spraggan performance as she pulled a “Diana Vickers” and was off sick. She was put through to next week at the annoyance of some. Always bit of a difficult one this; I’m pretty sure the producers wouldn’t have given a bye to one of the less successful acts i.e. District3, Jade or Kye. 

XF 2012 25
Jade. She has a young daughter, did you know that?
What also showed X Factor up was how much effort Strictly Come Dancing put in. The X Factor had a couple of kids dressed up as the Droogs from A Clockwork Orange (really family friendly that. You fucking idiots) and Union J hanging about on a car. SCD had the themes from Scooby Doo and Weird Science. CHECK. MATE. 

Where the hell was Brian? Did they give him a week off? Well, they shouldn’t have. If anyone was needed for the Halloween episode, it’s Brian Friedman. And Dermot, I only want to see your double dance from now on. 

What else did I hate about this show? Tulisa looking like a spoilt brat for most of the show. Then, when Gary called her out for having fag ash breath she looked like she was going to blow a gasket. Or cry. Either way it was a bit uncomfortable and not what I expect from a 41 year old man. Although Louis' face was a picture.

ALL of the song choices were rubbish. When will somebody sing “Monster Mash”? Okay, so there’s probably only that, “Thriller” (which was been done numerous times) and the Ghostbusters theme that can be played on a Halloween night, but you know what? The producers wanted that theme so maybe you all should have put a tiny bit more effort into it.  Even just popping along to Pound Land and getting a few costumes would have looked better. Just wrapping someone in toilet roll WOULD HAVE LOOKED BETTER. Take a look at SCD; the make up and costumes were fantastic. The songs were a stroke of genius. MUST TRY HARDER X FACTOR. 

Let’s talk about the sing off. Why have it? Jade was never going to win the competition but she was so much better than Union J. There was never a chance the judges were going to get rid of the “new” One Direction though where they?

Nicole is the only shining light in this show; she looks like she's having fun and she's the only judge I want to hear from.  

One last thing; if I hear one more mash-up from anyone I’m going to throw my remote at the TV. And just watch SCD. 

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